Welcome! I'm a PhD candidate in political science at Brown University and pre-doctoral fellow at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs. My research lies at the intersection of international security and political economy through a focus on global policing. By examining the causes and consequences of international cooperation between border agencies to secure global supply chains from non-state threats, my dissertation and related papers contribute to theoretical debates about change in global governance, how states overcome collective action problems, and changing configurations of state authority in international politics. I combine a range of quantitative and qualitative methods in my research, including large-N observational studies, network analysis, process tracing, and elite interviews. Previously, I was a Fulbright recipient and Boren scholar in Brazil, where I researched transnational organized crime. I received a B.A. in political science with highest honors from Swarthmore College in 2017. You can reach me at [email protected] . |