The Border Cooperation Agreement Dataset (BCAD)
This dataset contains time-varying information on six common types of “border cooperation agreements” (BCAs): treaties or arrangements which routinize exchanges of information or personnel with the objective of filtering illicit goods and clandestine actors out of international transportation systems. The dataset generates two output files. The first is an agreement-year dataset, where year corresponds to the year an agreement was signed between two countries. This data structure currently covers over 1,800 agreements distributed across six agreement types, two targets of regulation, two levels of formality (treaties and arrangements), and if two or more countries are involved (bilateral and multilateral). The second output file is a longitudinal dyad-year dataset, which includes an observation for every pair of countries at every possible year in the data timeframe (1980-2022) – a data-structure more amenable to network analysis. The BCAD is human coded and based on three types of sources: (1) intergovernmental organization and private treaty repositories (e.g., the United Nations Treaty Collection and the Commonwealth for Independent States Legislation database); (2) domestic government sources (e.g., treaty repositories, press releases, ministry reports, and direct communication with customs and border officials); and (3) media archives. in progress |